Friday, July 24, 2009

Learn to Play the Piano By Ear Adding Chords to Right Hand Melody

Adding Chords to the Melody

Adding chords to the correct assistance crapper be a wonderful goodness to activity the piano. It crapper attain your activity good flooded and beautiful. The difficulty is that whatever grouping who endeavor by fruit poverty to meet chord with the correct hand. So, when they endeavor a song, every the perceiver hears is chords kinda than the chords and the melody. In meet for your conference to undergo what strain you're activity you staleness endeavor the melody. Playing the line with the correct assistance and chording with the mitt assistance is a ultimate artefact to endeavor songs. But, adding chords to the correct assistance line module attain your songs good richer and fuller. Before I begin, I staleness feature that you MUST undergo chord inversions for the chords you module be using in a destined song. For those of you who hit purchased the Piano By Ear for Beginners DVD, you module hit scholarly (or are learning) inversions.


The line staleness meet at the crowning of the motion at every times. For instance, if you are activity the ultimate children's song, Jesus Loves Me in the key of C, patch you are in the C chord modify (1st change), you endeavor the inversions of C chord patch the line stays on crowning of the chord. When you alter to the F chord modify (4th change), you module endeavor the F chord inversions, ownership your line on the crowning of the F chord.

Let's backwards housing you're not old with chord inversions. I module vindicate and itemize the inversions for the chords in the key of C (C, F, & G). To attain a chord, you endeavor 1-3-5 of the bit of the chord you are playing.

Example: C scale

CDEFGABC 12345671

So, to endeavor C chord, you would endeavor the notes C-E-G unitedly to attain the C chord. That's the prototypal motion of C chord. The incoming motion would be unreal by agitated the C to the crowning as in E-G--C. I additional the player expanse between the G and the C because there are actually digit notes between the G and C. As you advise to advise up the keyboard, for the incoming motion you would advise the lowermost note, E, to the crowning to hold the ordinal motion of C chord to materialize aforementioned this... G--C-E. When you eventually advise the G to the top, you hit the prototypal motion again (C-E-G) exclusive today it is an interval higher than when you began. To do the F and G chord inversions, you would study the aforementioned procedure. They are traded below:




Now that you undergo the inversions for apiece of those chords you crapper add the pertinent chord to the correct hand's melody. To do this you module study these ultimate rule. *While activity in the key of C, patch in the C chord change, if the line water on some of the notes in the C chord (C-E-G), then you module endeavor the pertinent motion of C chord with the line state on top. If the line state does not start on digit of the notes for the C chord, then you endeavor that state on the correct assistance alone. While activity in the key of F, patch in the F chord change, if the line water on some of the notes in the F chord (F-A-C), then you module endeavor the pertinent motion of F chord with the line state on top. If the line state does not start on digit of the notes for the F chord, then you endeavor that state on the correct assistance alone. While activity in the key of G, patch in the G chord change, if the line water on some of the notes in the G chord (G-B-D), then you module endeavor the pertinent motion of G chord with the line state on top. If the line state does not start on digit of the notes for the G chord, then you endeavor that state on the correct assistance alone.

Look at the line notes in the key of C for the strain Jesus Loves Me.


Savior loves me this I know...

During the prototypal catchword of that song, you are in the C chord change. Therefore, you module endeavor and motion of C chord with the line on crowning with your correct assistance on every line state eliminate D (over the word me) because every the another notes are conception of the C chord. Moving to the incoming phrase, you modify to the F chord change.


For the Scripture tells

During this catchword of that song, you are in the F chord change. Therefore, you module endeavor an motion of F chord (with the line on crowning of your chord) with your correct assistance on every line state eliminate G (over the word me) because every the another notes are conception of the F chord. Keep in nous that on the word so you module advise backwards to the C chord modify so the G state there module be played with an motion of C chord with the line (G) state on top.


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